Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A Fresh Start

The Chinese got it right. I mean, there might be a lot of issues in China, but when it comes to a New Year, they planned it much better. Though it hasn't yet reached the Chinese New Year, it seems that our own New Year should be pushed back a little bit, since it's taken until this week for it to feel like a new year.

Yesterday, former senator Barrack Obama was inaugurated as the 44th president of the United States of America. I don't like to get too political, so I just want to say the I am relieved to see somebody in office who has a fresh outlook and the drive to make some changes. As long as America as a nation wakes up and realizes that the change starts with us, because we really do have an affect on how our government operates. Congratulations, Mr. Obama, good luck, and I hope that we, our nation, are able to pull things together on our side.

Yesterday was also a big day for my mother, Karen Reedy. Not a name anybody would recognize, but a woman to be recognized none-the-less. In the past 8 years she has held her head high in some of the deepest, darkest times of her life. She was forced declared bankruptcy along with my father, because their credit was tied together. She watched my father suffer injury, job loss, and loss of his mother, who single-handedly raised him and his brothers. She also watched my father fall into depression and delusion and tried her best to support him. She supported me, one of her four children, when I suffered the consequences for some bad choices and she helped me get back on my feet. She then suffered my father divorcing her after nearly 26 years, driven by his madness, as he had run off and found a new girlfriend. She saw her father, who she loved dearly, fall to mental-illness and old age and was at his hospital bed when he died, mostly from neglect from medical treatment facilities. And she continues to support herself, at 53, and my 12 year old sister, and my brother's and I when we need it... She has worked for what seems like an eternity, through all of this, up to 70 hours a week, 6 days a week, in some of the harshest weather conditions, delivering mail for the United States Post Office for 28 years. Yesterday was her first day of retirement. Congradulations mom. You deserve it more than you know, and I am so happy for you. I love you.

And finally, on a lighter note, I started classes yesterday. I am excited for what I hope to get done this semester. I have a fairly light class schedule and I hope to work a little more to help pay the bills with my free time. The class line-up goes as follows... Post-Production 3, History of Sound Film, Advanced Screenwriting, Topics in Film - Film Noir, and The Hero's Journey. It's probably the most excited I've been for classes since I decided to come back to school 3 years ago. And it's the first time since I think my first semester here that all my instructors are instructors I haven't had before.

With that, I hope everybody had as good of a day Mr. Obama, or my mom, or at least as good as mine (honestly, what kind of a dork gets excited for school?). Until next time...

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